to HTML.

index -|- end

Generated: Tue Feb 2 17:54:22 2010 from 2007/08/28 11.4 KB.

# AIM: Build a link table to ZIP files, in a specific directory
# 27/08/2007 - some enhancements
# (a) Get the LIST of ZIP files from a FOLDER
# 30/07/2006 - geoff mclane -
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Basename;
use File::stat;
use Digest::MD5  qw(md5 md5_hex md5_base64);
require "" or die "Missing ...\n"; # my simple log file and some other utility subs
require "" or die "Missing ...\n"; # given target, and from get ralative
# log file stuff
my ($LF);
my $pgmname = $0;
if ($pgmname =~ /\w{1}:\\.*/) {
   my @tmpsp = split(/\\/,$pgmname);
   $pgmname = $tmpsp[-1];
my $outfile = "temp.$pgmname.txt";
prt( "$pgmname ... Hello, World...\n" );
my ($OH);   # out handle
my $dbg_on1 = 0;
# seek the ZIP files in here
my $in_zips = "C:\\HOMEPAGE\\GA\\fg\\zips";
# seek the reference files in here
my $in_dir = "C:\\HOMEPAGE\\GA\\fg\\";
###my $in_dir = "C:\\HOMEPAGE\\P26\\fg\\";
my $htm_out = "tempdown.htm";
my $in_path = $in_dir;
my $desc_file = 'bldtable.csv';
my @excludes = qw( fgfsdown.htm download.htm );
my @zipfiles = ();
my @descrip = ();
my @mths = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec);
my $zcnt = 0;
my $file = "";
my $file2 = "";
my $dir = "";
my $ff = "";
my @found = ();
my @references = ();
# references offset
my $re_zip = 0;
my $re_ref = 0;
my $lncnt = 0;
my $tcnt = scalar @found;
my $i = 0;
my $fnd = 0;
my $f_fnd = "";
my $f_in  = "";
my $prt_table = 1;   # do the HTML output
my ($fnm, $fdir, $fext);
my $rel_path = get_relative_path( $in_zips, $in_dir );
my @warnings = ();
my $msg = '';
# debug
my $dbg1 = 0;   # show desciptions
my $dbg2 = 0;   # show duplicate discards
my $dbg3 = 0;   # add HTML lines to log
my $dbg4 = 0;   # show found
# Get ZIP FILE LIST (from folder)
get_zip_files( $in_zips );
$zcnt = scalar @zipfiles;
load_descriptions( $desc_file );
# seek reference file
get_reference_files( $in_dir );
$tcnt = scalar @found;
# output HTML file
if (@warnings) {
   prt( "List of ".scalar @warnings." messages ...\n" );
   foreach my $line (@warnings) {
      prt( "$line\n" );
system( $htm_out ) if ($prt_table);
sub prth {
   my ($m) = shift;
   prt($m) if ($dbg3);
   print $OH "$m";
sub get_description {
   my ($f) = shift;
   my $ct = scalar @descrip;
   my $i2 = 0;
   my $m = '';
   for ($i2 = 0; $i2 < $ct; $i2++) {
      if ($descrip[$i2][0] eq $f) {
         return $descrip[$i2][1];
   $m = "WARNING: NO DESCRIPTION FOUND for file [$f] ... fix [$desc_file] ...";
   prt( "$m\n" );
   push(@warnings, $m);
   return "*** NO DESCRIPTION FOUND ***";
sub date_string {
   my ($tm) = shift;
   my @arr = split( / /, $tm ); # time of form 'Sat Mar 12 03:11:55 2005'
   my $ac = scalar @arr;
   my $doff = 2;
   my $yoff = 4;
   if ($ac == 5) {
      $doff = 2;
      $yoff = 4;
   } elsif ($ac == 6) {
      $doff = 3;
      $yoff = 5;
   } else {
      mydie( "ERROR: Time ($tm) did NOT split correctly!\n" );
   my $mn = mth_to_num( $arr[1] );
   if ($mn < 10) {
      $mn = '0'.$mn;
   my $dn = $arr[$doff];
   if ($dn < 10) {
      $dn = '0'.$dn;
   my $dtt = $arr[$yoff].'/'.$mn.'/'.$dn; # translated to 2005/03/12
   return $dtt;
## month to number
sub mth_to_num {
   my ($mth) = shift;
   my $ct = 0;
   ###prt( "Chk [$mth] " );
   foreach my $m (@mths) {
      if ($m eq $mth) {
         ###prt( "Is $m - return $ct\n" );
         return $ct;
   prt( "WARNING: Returning 0!!!\n" );
   return '??';
sub get_zip_files {
   my ($inz) = shift;
   prt( "Processing [$inz] for ZIP files ... relative [$rel_path] ...\n" );
   if (opendir( ID, $inz) ) {
      my @dirfils = readdir(ID);
      closedir ID;
      foreach $file (@dirfils) {
         next if ($file eq '.');
         next if ($file eq '..');
         ($fnm,$fdir,$fext) = fileparse( $file, qr/\.[^.]*/ );
         next if (lc($fext) ne '.zip');
         push(@zipfiles, $file);
      $zcnt = scalar @zipfiles;
      prt( "Found $zcnt ZIP files ...\n" );
   } else {
      mydie("ERROR: failed to OPEN directory [$in_zips] ... $! ...\n" );
   if (!$zcnt) {
      mydie("ERROR: FAILED to load any files from [$in_zips] ...\n");
sub load_descriptions {
   my ($df) = shift;   # = $desc_file
   prt( "Load DESCRIPTION file [$df] ...\n" );
   if (open INF, "<$df") {
      my @arr = <INF>;
      close INF;
      foreach my $ln (@arr) {
         chomp $ln;
         my @arr2 = split(',',$ln);
         my $acnt = scalar @arr2;
         if (($acnt > 2)&&(substr($arr2[1],0,1) eq '"')) {
            my $nd = substr($arr2[1],1);
            for (my $j = 2; $j < $acnt; $j++) {
               $nd .= ',';
               $nd .= $arr2[$j];
            $nd =~ s/"$//;
            $arr2[1] = $nd;
            $acnt = 2;
         if ($acnt == 2) {
            push(@descrip, [ $arr2[0], $arr2[1] ] );
            prt( "push(\@descrip, [ $arr2[0], $arr2[1] ] );\n" ) if ($dbg1);
         } else {
            prt( "Got LINE [$ln] ...\n" );
            mydie( "ERROR IN CSV FILES ...\n" );
   } else {
      $msg = "WARNING: FAILED to load descriptions from [$df] ...";
      prt( "$msg\n" );
# $references[$r][1] = add_if_missing($references[$r][1], $file);
sub add_if_missing {
   my ($refs, $fil) = @_;
   if ($refs =~ /$fil/) {
      return $refs;
   return ($refs.'|'.$fil);
sub in_exclude {
   my ($fil) = shift;
   foreach my $f (@excludes) {
      if ($f eq $fil) {
         return 1;
   return 0;
# seek reference files for ZIPS
# Each ZIP can have several REFERENCES
sub get_reference_files {
   my ($ind) = shift;   # = $in_dir
   prt( "Processing [$ind] for REFERENCE files ...\n" );
   opendir DIR, $ind or mydie("ERROR: Failed to open directory $ind ...\n");
   my @dfiles = readdir(DIR);
   closedir DIR;
   foreach $file (@dfiles) {
      next if ($file eq '.');
      next if ($file eq '..');
      next if in_exclude($file); # eq 'download.htm' or 'fgfsdown.htm');
      ($fnm,$fdir,$fext) = fileparse( $file, qr/\.[^.]*/ );
      next if (lc($fext) ne '.htm');
      $ff = $ind . $file;
      if ( -f $ff ) {   # open EACH HTM file
         open FH, "<$ff" or mydie("ERROR: Unable to open $ff ...\n");
         my @lines = <FH>; # slurp it all in
         close FH;
         $lncnt = 0;
         foreach my $line (@lines) {
            chomp $line;
            foreach $file2 (@zipfiles) {   # extract EACH ZIP file
               if ($line =~ /$file2/) {
                  ###prt( "Found $file2 in $file ...\n" );
                  my $ncnt = scalar @found;
                  $fnd = 0;
                  for ($i = 0; $i < $ncnt; $i++) {
                     $f_fnd = $found[$i][0];
                     $f_in  = $found[$i][1];
                     if (($f_fnd eq $file2) && ($f_in eq $file)) {
                        $fnd = 1;
                  my $rcnt = scalar @references;
                  my $fnd2 = 0;
                  my $r = 0;
                  for (; $r < $rcnt; $r++) {
                     my $z_fnd = $references[$r][0];
                     if ($z_fnd eq $file2) {
                        $fnd2 = 1;
                  if ($fnd2) {
                     $references[$r][1] = add_if_missing($references[$r][1], $file);
                  } else {
                     push(@references, [ $file2, $file ]);
                  if ($fnd) {
                     prt( "Discarding duplicate  $file2 in $file ...\n" ) if ($dbg2);
                  } else {
                     prt( "Found $file2 in $file ...\n" ) if ($dbg4);
                     push(@found, [$file2, $file]);
      } else {
         prt( "WARNING: Skipping directory entry $file ...\n" );
sub check_for_missing {
   my $missed = 0;
   my $ok = 0;
   prt( "Got $tcnt in \@found ... of $zcnt file ... Checking for MISSING finds ...\n" );
   foreach $file (@zipfiles) {
      $fnd = 0;
      for ($i = 0; $i < $tcnt ; $i++) {
         $f_fnd = $found[$i][0];
         $f_in  = $found[$i][1];
         if ($f_fnd eq $file) {
            $fnd = 1;
      if ($fnd) {
         # skip this 
      } else {
         $msg = "WARNING: NOT FOUND [$file]";
         prt( "$msg\n" );
   prt( "Checked $tcnt, missed $missed, found $ok ...\n" );
sub modify_references {
   my $rcnt = scalar @references;
   for (my $r = 0; $r < $rcnt; $r++) {
      my $z_fil = $references[$r][0];
      my $z_ref = $references[$r][1];
      prt( "$z_fil in [$z_ref]\n" );
      my @arr = split(/\|/, $z_ref);
      my $nr = '';
      foreach my $r (@arr) {
         if ($r =~ /fgfs-\d{3}\.htm/) {
            $nr .= '|' if (length($nr));
            $nr .= $r;
      if (length($nr)) {
         $references[$r][1] = $nr;
         prt( "Modified to [$nr]\n" );
sub out_htm_head {
   my ($hf) = shift;
   print $hf <<EOF;
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" 
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="en">
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
  <meta name="Generator" content="EditPlus">
  <meta name="Author" content="Geoff McLane">
  <meta name="Keywords" content="">
  <meta name="Description" content="">
  FlightGear Available Downloads
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="fgcode.css">
  <script type="text/javascript" src="qlfgmenu.js"></script>
  <style type="text/css">
<!-- /* Style Definitions */
  .smlffnt {
  font-family:"Courier New";
  font-size : small;
<h1>FlightGear Available Downloads</h1>
<p>Table of Downloads - <br>
sub out_htm_tail {
   my ( $fh ) = shift;
   $msg = "<!-- generated by $pgmname on ". localtime(time()) . " -->\n";
   print $fh <<EOF;
<p>End of download list</p>
<script type="text/javascript"><!-- 
QuickLinks(); ModifiedDate();
// --></script>
 <!-- P26.2006.07.30 - initial file -->
sub output_htm_file {
   my ($htm) = shift;
   if (!$prt_table) {
   open $OH, ">$htm" or mydie("ERROR: Can not create $htm ... $! ...\n");
   out_htm_head( $OH );
   prth( "<table border=\"1\" align=\"center\" summery=\"Table of downloads\">\n" );
   ###prth( "<caption><b>Table of Downloads</b></caption>\n" );
   prth( " <tr>\n" );
   prth( "  <th>Date</th>\n" );
   prth( "  <th>Download</th>\n" );
   prth( "  <th>Web Page</th>\n" );
   prth( "  <th>Description</th>\n" );
   prth( "  <th>MD5 Digest</th>\n" );
   prth( " </tr>\n" );
   foreach $file (@zipfiles) {
      $fnd = 0;
      ###my $ff2 = $in_dir.$file;
      my $ff2 = $in_zips.'/'.$file;
      for ($i = 0; $i < $tcnt ; $i++) {
         $f_fnd = $found[$i][0];
         $f_in  = $found[$i][1];
         if ($f_fnd eq $file) {
            $fnd = 1;
      if ($fnd) {
         prth( " <tr>\n" );
         my $sb = stat($ff2) or mydie( "ERROR: Unable to 'stat' file [$ff2]?\n" );
         my $tm = scalar localtime $sb->mtime;
         my $dtt = date_string($tm);
         my $desc = get_description( $file );
         open(FILE, $ff2) or mydie( "Can't open '$file': $!" );
         my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new->addfile(*FILE)->hexdigest;
         prth( "  <td>$dtt</td>\n" );
         prth( "  <td nowrap>\n" );
         prth( "  <a href=\"" );
         $ff = $rel_path.$f_fnd;
         prth( "$ff" );
         prth( "\">" );
         prth( "$f_fnd</a>\n" );
         prth( "  </td>\n" );
         ##$ff = $in_path.$f_in;
         $ff = $f_in;
         prth( "  <td nowrap><a href=\"$ff\" target=\"_blank\">$f_in</a></td>\n" );
         prth( "  <td>$desc</td>\n" );
         prth( "  <td nowrap><span class=\"smlffnt\">$md5</span></td>\n" );
         prth( " </tr>\n" );
      } else {
         $msg = "WARNING: NOT FOUND [$file]";
         prt( "$msg\n" );
   prth( "</table>\n" );
   out_htm_tail( $OH );
   close $OH;
# eof -

index -|- top

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