xmldom01.pl to HTML.

index -|- end

Generated: Tue Feb 2 17:55:01 2010 from xmldom01.pl 2008/07/06 5.4 KB.

use XML::DOM;
###use Data::Dumper;
require "logfile.pl" or die "Missing logfile.pl ...\n"; # my simple log file
# perl -MCPAN -e shell 'install XML::DOM'
# or Parser' 
#You need the following modules (all available at CPAN): 
# Perl 5.6.0 or higher (can run under earlier versions, simply remove 
# use bytes; from lib/XML/DOM.pm) 
# XML::RegExp 
# XML::Parser (At least version 2.28, 2.30 recommended) 
# If you are using XML::Parser 2.27, then you should download libxml-enno-1.02 from 
# your local CPAN mirror. If you are using Perl 5.8.0 or greater and XML::Parser 2.32 or 
# lesser, you must apply the included XML-Parser-2.31.patch. 
# LWP::UserAgent (It's part of libwww-perl. If you don't have it, some test 
# cases may fail and you can't read files from URLs.) 
# XML::Parser::PerlSAX (It's part of libxml-perl. You need at least version 0.06. 
# set a DEFAULT input file name
my $in_file = 'C:\Documents and Settings\Geoff McLane\Desktop\Maroc - June, 2008.flash\imagelist.xml';
my $in_tag = 'size_0';
###my $in_file = 'F:\FG0910-4\flightgear\projects\VC8\FlightGear.sln';
###my $in_tag = 'File';
my $cnt = 0;
# log file stuff
my ($LF);
my $outfile = 'temp'.$0.'.txt';
###prt( "$0 .. Hello, World...\n" );
#use XML::DOM;
# Read and parse the document
#my $parser = new XML::DOM::Parser;
#my $doc = $parser->parsefile ("filename");
my $parser = XML::DOM::Parser->new();
my $doc = $parser->parsefile($in_file);
$cnt = 0;
my @files = $doc->getElementsByTagName($in_tag);
##foreach my $file ($doc->getElementsByTagName($in_tag)) {
foreach my $file (@files) {
  #print $species->getElementsByTagName('common-name')->item(0)
  #          ->getFirstChild->getNodeValue;
  #print ' (' . $species->getAttribute('name') . ') ';
  #print $species->getElementsByTagName('conservation')->item(0)
  #          ->getAttribute('status');
  if ($cnt < 4) {
     my $ncnt = scalar @$file;
     #prt( "File # = [".@$file."]\n" );
     prt( "File # = [".$ncnt."]\n" );   # count of node list
     #prt( "Node \$ = [".$$file[$ncnt - 1]."]\n" );
     prt( "Node \$ = [".$$file[-1]."]\n" );
     prt( "Node getTextContents = [".getTextContents($file,1)."]\n" );
     prt( "Node \$ = [".traverse_node(0, $file)."]\n" );
     #foreach my $nd (@$file) {
     #if ($nd->getNodeType() == TEXT_NODE) {
        #prt( "Node T = [".$nd->getData()."]\n" );
prt( "Got $cnt files ...\n" );
my $document_root  = $doc->getDocumentElement();
my $config_node = $document_root->getFirstChild();
$cnt = 0;
foreach my $node ( $config_node->getChildNodes() ) {
   if ($cnt < 5) {
      prt( "Name = ".$node->getName()."\n");
prt( "Got $cnt nodes ...\n" );
#my $res = findNode($config_node, 'size_1');
#if (defined $res) {
#   prt( "Defined\n" );
#} else {
#   prt( "UNDEFINED!\n" );
# my @matching_tags = $start_node->getElementsByTagName("my_tag");
# my $first_match = $matching_tags[0];
# foreach my $match (@matching_tags) { do_something; }
sub is_element_node {
   my ($node) = @_;
   if ($node->getNodeType == ELEMENT_NODE) {
      return 1;
   return 0;
sub getTextContents {
   my ($node, $trim)= @_;
   my $contents = '';
   if (! $node ) {
      return "";
   for my $child ($node->getChildNodes()) {
      if ( ! is_element_node($child) ) {
         $contents .= $child->getData();
  if ($trim) {
    $contents =~ s/^\s+//;
    $contents =~ s/\s+$//;
  return $contents;
sub findNode {
   my ($node, $xpath) = @_;
   if (! defined($node) || ! defined($xpath) ) {
      return undef;
   my $match = ($node->xql($xpath))[0];
   if (! $match ) {
      return undef;
   return $match;
sub getValue {
  my ($node, $xpath) = @_;
  my $match = findNode( $node, $xpath );
  if (! defined($match) ) {
    return undef;
  return getTextContents( $match );
sub setValue {
   my ($node, $xpath, $value) = @_;
   my $match = findNode( $node, $xpath );
   if (! defined($match) ) {
      return undef;
   foreach my $child ( $match->getChildNodes() ) {
      $match->removeChild ($child);
   return $match;
sub traverse_node {
   my ($all, $node)= @_;
   my $txt = '';
   if ($node->getNodeType == ELEMENT_NODE) {
      if ($all) {
         $txt .= "<". $node->getNodeName. ">";
       foreach my $child ($node->getChildNodes()) {
         $txt .= traverse_node($all, $child);
      if ($all) {
         $txt .= "</". $node->getNodeName. ">\n";
   } elsif ($node->getNodeType() == TEXT_NODE) {
      $txt .= $node->getData;
   return $txt
sub appendText {
   my ($doc, $match, $nodename, $value) = @_;
   if (! $match) {
      return undef;
   my $newnode;
   eval {
      $newnode = $doc->createElement( $nodename );
   if ($@ || (! defined($newnode) )) {
      return undef;
   $match->appendChild( $newnode );
   if ( defined($value) ) {
   return $newnode;
sub appendNode {
   my ($doc, $nodename, $xpath, $value) = @_;
   if (! defined($nodename) || ($nodename eq "") ) {
      return undef;
   my $match = findNode( $doc, $xpath );
   if (! defined($match) ) {
      return undef;
   my $newnode;
   eval {
      $newnode = $doc->createElement( $nodename );
   if ($@ || (! defined($newnode) )) {
      return undef;
   $match->appendChild( $newnode );
   if ( defined($value) ) {
   return $newnode;
# eof

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