Travel Index


I have been lucky enough to do quite an amount of travel, both real and virtual, but very little of it has landed here ;=)) From time to time, I add more, but not very frequently ....

The real consists of sporadic articles about places visited ... while the virtual comes from my love of flight simulation programs. This started back in Microsoft Flight Simulator (for DOS/Windows), but moved on to include one of the best flight simulator there is - FlightGear - and it is FREE!


Link Description Date
Turkey A week in Turkey June, 2014
Sicily A week in Sicily June, 2013
Greece A week in Greece June, 2011
trav-003.htm CENTER PARCS, about 160 Km south of PARIS, for 3 days... May, 2008
tunisia.htm Djerba, southern Tunisia, and surrounding country, for a week ... Oct, 2006.
gilgandra.htm Geoff's trip to Gilgandra, Australia, and much more ... Aug, 2005.
malta.htm Annie's images of Malta ... Dec, 2004.
oz_centc.htm Australia, Newcastle, and central coast ... Dec, 2004.
trav-002.htm CENTER PARCS, about 160 Km south of PARIS, for a week... May, 1998.
trav-001.htm Marrakech, Morocco, for a week ... Apr, 1996.
Alsace Some EXPERIMENTS for a Wedding video Nov, 2009


Link Description Date
trav-vtm.htm Original virtual travel menu ... Mar, 1996.
travelm.htm Original travel menu, divided into real and virtual Mar, 1996.



Link Title Date
index.htm A week in Greece June, 2011
images.htm Images taken on Greece trip June, 2011
tunisia.htm Djerba, southern Tunisia, and surrounding country, for a week ... Oct, 2006.
malta.htm Malta Dec, 2004.
gilgandra1.htm Gilgandra 1 Aug, 2005.
gilgandra.htm Gilgandra Aug, 2005.
trav-002.htm Travel in France May, 1998.
centpark.htm Center Parcs May, 1998.
oz_centc.htm Central Coast From Sydney to Newcastle NSW Dec, 2004.
travel.htm Travel Log - REAL Mar, 1996.
trav-vtm.htm VIRTUAL Menu Mar, 1996.
travelm.htm Travel Log Menu Mar, 1996.
travelv4.htm VTL - CAL to DAC Apr, 1996.
travelv3.htm VTL - AMD to CAL Apr, 1996.
travelv2.htm VTL - KHI to AMD Apr, 1996.
travelv1.htm VTL - SAH to KHI Apr, 1996.
trav-999.htm VIRTUAL Menu 999 Feb, 2003.
trav-000.htm VIRTUAL Menu 000 Mar. 1996.
trav-001.htm Travel Log - REAL 001 2006/10/18


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